Saturday, August 31, 2019

Books Vs Technology Essay

The battle between books and the digital age: will technology diminish the significance of a printed book? Although many books can be found on a Kindle, I-pad, or computer, the printed book is traditional and one simply can’t stray from tradition. It’s easy to get lost in a world where advancements are flourishing everywhere, but a world without books, is a world without knowledge. Printed books are still vital in a rapidly evolving technology dependent world. â€Å"Books have been around for seven centuries. They are portable, accessible collections of knowledge and insight into human-thinking† (Donatich 1). Remember when you were a  child, and would be so happy when you found a hard cover of your favorite book? Also, there’s nothing more sentimental than seeing a parent and child read a book together. Paper books are meticulously put together and take many months just to complete one copy. It’s a person’s thoughts, idea’s, facts, and memories all put together for anyone to enjoy. Although most everything can be found on the Internet, even thinking about getting rid of the paper book would be preposterous. â€Å"A bookless world in which people learn to read and research by virtue of snippets and tags and annotations and wiki-research will be  a world of people who not only won’t be able to read books but won’t be able to write them. And the record of human experience, several thousand years evolved, will be irrevocably changed† (Donatich 7). Books are slowly diminishing, and technology is flourishing. Instead of flipping through a book to find information, most people type it into Google. If technology ends up taking over, knowledge will surely decrease. A book will have one meaning for something, while if you search online, tons of information will be displayed. If everything becomes easily found by a click of a button, it takes away the significance of  searching through a book and expanding ones knowledge. By reading a book, you collect more information because you won’t have to search for it again. If it weren’t for copy and paste and search engines, would you really know that information? Chances are no. In a rapid, technology-advancing world, the importance of printed books is still vital in today’s society. Technology shouldn’t diminish the printed book, only help enhance its significance. Works Cited Donatich, John. â€Å"Books Still Matter in a Digital Age† Journal of Scholarly Publishing. Vol. 40, No. 4. Pg. 329-342. University of Toronto Press, July 2009. 21 Aug 2014.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How could the Holocaust have beet prevented Essay

You have probably heard about a period of time, not so long ago, known as ‘The Holocaust.’ A holocaust, according to Webster’s dictionary, is ‘a complete destruction by fire’ (Stadtler, 1). In Europe, during this period, there was a complete destruction by fire – of Jewish homes, Jewish businesses, Jewish neighborhoods, and Jewish people. This destruction was carried out under the direction of Adolf Hitler, during the years 1939-1945, but it actually began earlier, in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In my opinion, the Holocaust, which was caused by ignorance, could very well have been prevented. There were many powerful nations, such as the United Stated, the USSR, and Britain, whose leaders and militaries could have stepped in and helped the Jewish people who were facing extremely brutal persecution. Throughout most of the war, the American government clung to the delusion that the Nazi’s were persecuting the Jews because of their political or religious beliefs. The U.S. closed its gates to emigration from Europe in 1940-1941, when Jews were still allowed to emigrate. ‘Anti-Semitism in America actually increased during the war and started to decline only at the end of it’ (Bauer, 297). A Soviet attitude toward the murder of the Jews simply did not exist. While fighting a desperate battle for its own survival, Britain saved the Jews of Palestine, North Africa, and much of the British Empire from the fate of European Jewry. ‘The British fought only for themselves, but the defense of their own interests coincided with the defense of civilized humanity, including the Jews’ (Bauer, 296). The May 1939 White Paper on immigration to Palestine stated that immigration to Palestine would end after 75,000 had been admitted between 1939 and 1944. When war broke out, the British decreed that no enemy nationals could enter Palestine, which in effect, closed the doors to those who needing rescue most, specifically the European Jews trying to escape the Nazis. At first, the thought of such destruction in Europe was incomprehensible to other Nations. They heard of what was occurring, but did not believe it, and therefore did nothing. ‘The suffering of hundreds of thousands, soon of millions, was evident for consciences to be aroused, for steps to be taken.  Nothing was done’ (Bauer, 297). I feel the ignorance of these Nations was the cause of the loss of 6 million lives. Had these Nations not turned their heads away and ignored what was happening, they could have saved many lives and prevented the Holocaust. By allowing emigration from Europe into their countries, by trying to negotiate with Hitler, or if worse came to worse, assassinating Hitler, things might have been different. By not recognizing the events leading to the Holocaust and of the Holocaust, they also caused the Holocaust along with Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust could only have been prevented by the World Powers, but they failed to do so because they were so ignorant. During the 19th century, European Jewry was being emancipated, and in most European countries, Jews were achieving some equality of status with non-Jews. Nonetheless, at times, Jews were vilified and harassed by anti-Semitic groups. Indeed, some anti-Semites believed that Jewry was an alien ‘race’ not assimilable into a European culture, but they did not formulate any coherent anti-Semitic campaign until Hitler came to power. Germany was defeated in World War I after a four year struggle that left its people exhausted and divided. The harsh peace terms of the Versailles Treaty placed a heavy economic burden on them. Before the war Germany had thought of itself as Europe’s greatest nation. Now it was confused, bitter, and economically crippled, its wealth drained to pay the vast sums demanded by the Versailles Peace Treaty. Rising inflation left many Germans poor and others jobless. Political differences exploded in assassinations and street fighting. The new democratic government of Germany, the Weimar Republic, was unable to prevent disorder and caused people to lose faith in democracy. With Germans of all outlooks desperately seeking solutions for the nation’s problems, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party began their climb to power. ‘Hitler was gifted with effective political talents. He offered an explanation for Germany’s defeat, and a vision of Germany’s future destiny, that played upon the fears, prejudices, and hopes of many Germans. He promised to rebuild  Germany’s power and restore its prosperity’ (Isaacman, 16). This won the support of many Germans. Hitler was such an effective speaker that anything he said was believed even if it was not true. Hitler believed that the German people were part of an ‘Aryan race,’ a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were ‘sub-human,’ when in actuality they were virtually the same as his ‘Aryan race.’ Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for ‘stabbing Germany in the back’ after Germany’s defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. ‘Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti-Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution of such crisis within the majority culture, the majority will tend to project blame for the crisis on a minority which is both familiar and weak. As the originators and bearers of an important part of civilization, the Jews are a father civilization against which pent up aggressions are easily unleashed’ (Bauer, 330). Anti-Semitism had always played a role in Nazi propaganda, for Hitler blamed most of Germany’s problems on the Jews. Anti-Jewish laws of every kind were passed. Jews could no longer be judges, lawyers, teachers, government officials, army officers. Jewish doctors could not treat non-Jewish patients, Jews could not employ non-Jews, and Jews and non-Jews could not have social relationships. Jewish property was taken by the governm ent, Jewish businesses were closed down, Jewish children could not attend public schools. All the media were utilized to spread anti-Jewish messages. On the street, Jews were mocked, tormented, and even beaten for no other reason but being Jewish. Jewish people were forced to wear Star of David armbands and were often attacked by storm troopers. On November 9-10, 1938, known as Kristallnacht (‘Night of the Broken Glass’), hundreds of synagogues throughout Germany were burned by Nazi mobs, windows of Jewish shops were smashed, and thousands of Jews were arrested. Kristallnacht was a signal to Jews in Germany and Austria to leave as soon as possible. Several  hundred thousand people were able to find refuge in other countries, but a similar number, including many who were old or poor, ‘stayed to face an uncertain fate’ (Stadtler, 12). The countries of Europe and the United States too, only admitted a small number of Jews. Had these countries made an exception for these people who were being treated poorly in their home countries there would have been a smaller amount of lives lost in the years to come. Throughout the 1930’s, conditions for the Jews in Germany worsened. Some people in the United States refused to buy German products in an effort to put pressure on Hitler, but it did not help. This was not enough, the United States was a strong world power and could have done more to aid the Jewish people of Germany. What could a small amount of people not buying German products do? Absolutely nothing because Germany was much stronger than these few people; the aid of an entire nation was needed, not the aid of a few people. Since no one was stopping Hitler, he proceeded to enlarge Germany’s territory. Threatening to use force if he did not get his way, he gained control of Austria in 1938 and of Czechoslovakia in 1939. Later in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, World War II broke out. During the early years of the war, Hitler’s armies conquered most of Europe. Millions of Jews were now under German rule, and Hitler felt he was at last in a position to solve the ‘Jewish Question.’ As Hitler saw it, the ‘Jewish Question’ was simply the fact that the Jews existed. Therefore, the ‘final solution’ emerged as a way to destroy them. Throughout Europe, in all the countries under their control- Poland, Western Russia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway- the Jews were rounded up and confined in concentration camps or ghettos. Stripped of their property, brutalized, terrified, and disoriented, they were forced to work as slave laborers in abominable conditions. Many died of starvation and disease. Others were shot or beaten to death. Before long, rumors of this brutality reached capitals of the world, but nothing was done. As the war against the Jews progressed, however, the Nazi’s turned to large scale centralized killing operations. Jews from all over Europe were loaded into trains and shipped to death camps, among them, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor. LOCATION OF GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS ‘In the death camps, human life was destroyed quickly and efficiently’ (Isaacman, 19). Under the whips of cruel SS guards, the Jewish victims were herded off the trains and into gas chambers, where they were exterminated by a poisonous gas. Millions of non-Jews were also systematically killed- political opponents, Slavic peoples, and other minorities. In the case of the Jews, the Nazi’s were determined to annihilate an entire people. Some Jews fought back at every possible opportunity. Some Christians, too, tried to help. Taking great personal risks, they hid Jewish friends in their homes or cellars. Many of these people were caught and killed by the Nazi’s. People willing to take such risks were few and far between in Europe. Had other nations of the world been as righteous and as brave as these people, and combined their efforts, this attempted annihilation of the Jewish people could have been prevented. To some Nazi’s the ‘final solution’ was more important than anything else. ‘Though Germany was hemmed in by enemies and fighting for its life, they diverted valuable resources to the extermination machine’ (Isaacman, 20). Trains that could have carried ammunition to the front were used to transport Jews to death camps. Soldiers who could have been defending their country were instead sent to round up and guard Jewish civilians. ‘After several years of war, Hitler knew he could not defeat America and the other Allies, but he was determined to win at least one victory by wiping out the Jews’ (Isaacman, 20). The United States and other world powers were too focused on the war to maintain their pride. While in Germany Hitler was trying to wipe an entire people off the face of the Earth. If these other nations of the world were not so ignorant, the lives of six million people  could have been saved. Hitler and his Nazi Party treated the Jewish people so inhumanely. He and his party felt that the Jews were biologically different, when in fact they were and are not. Every human being is equal and should be treated equally. No one is superior to anyone else, even though some may have an egocentric attitude. In 1945, Hitler committed suicide. Rather than correcting his errors, Hitler took the easy way out by committing suicide. The ultraorthodox Jewish theology justifies the Holocaust as an act of God, a punishment for sins committed by the Jewish people against their God. Others feel that the Holocaust was a result of man’s betrayal to God. I feel that the Holocaust is not at all justified. During the Holocaust, six million Jewish people died, that is more than one-third (about 34 percent) of the Jewish population. ‘From the liberated Nazi camps, weeping skeletons of men and women emerged. Among them were 200,000 Jews. These have to be added to the 210,000 that survived in France, about 37,000 in Belgium, 20,000 in the Netherlands, about 1,900,000 in the Polish-Soviet area, 350,000 in Rumania, 130,000 in Hungary, and smaller numbers elsewhere. Including Soviet Jewry, part of whom were never under Nazi rule, about 3 million Jews were left in Europe out of the original 9 million Jews before the war’ (Bauer, 334). As I stated before, there is only one thing and one thing only that caused this horrid event called the Holocaust, ignorance. Not just ignorance of the United States and the other world powers, but the ignorance of Hitler and his Nazi Party as well. Had the U.S. and other nations offered aid to the Jewish refugees, and opened their doors to these refugees, they would have saved many lives. Instead, they were just as guilty as the Nazi’s by helping in the destruction of an entire race. WORKS CITED PAGE Bauer, Yehuda. A History of the Holocaust. New York: Franklin Watts, 1983. Chartock, Roselle, Jack Spencer. The Holocaust Years: Society on Trial. New York: Bantam Books, 1978. Des Pres, Terrence. The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976. ‘Holocaust.’ Microsoft Encarta (CD ROM). 1993. Stadtler, Bea. The Holocaust: A History of Courage and Resistance. New York: Behrman House, Inc., 1973. Isaacman, Clara. Pathways Through the Holocaust. New York: Ktav Publishing House, Inc., 1988.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Low-Wage Workers

It is not easy being a low-wage worker. In my case, I am a family man. I have a wife who just stays at home without any source of income and two kids who go to school. Sad to say, I am among the 30 million workers who earn less than $9 an hour. The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. I never went to college. What kind of jobs is in store for high-school graduates only? If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present. Not that I did not have the qualifications for the job, but nowadays, referrals help a lot. After filling out the standardized bio-data, I was called for interview directly. Drug tests were not required. My employer is Chinese and runs a family business, so most of the higher positions are held by family members except for some employees who have worked their all their lives. The one who interviewed me was the Executive Vice-President of the company who happens to be the wife of the President. She was kind. Not the type I expected to be. She was very calm in asking questions, as if I have known her for a long time. I did not feel very uncomfortable. She encouraged me to speak my thoughts, which was good because I need not worry too much about what to say. Our relationship at present is fairly good. But still my sentiments of a low-paying job with almost no benefits remain to cause me more difficulties in life. I keep on asking myself, â€Å"When will I get out of this dead-end job?† My fellow employees come in two categories: the well-paid workers with benefits and those who are like me with minimal benefits. I am not counting the employed family members because of course, the get good pay. Those who have higher positions usually have graduated from college with good to excellent scholastic record. These are the employees who possess innate, learned, and transferable skills. There was some who just finished high-school but they have special skills which are indispensable in the company. The ones like me are graduates of high-school only, with limited skills and abilities except for some. This is the reason why after working for 10 years in this company, I hardly get a raise. If I or any of my family members get sick, we simply incur debts to be able to attend to our medications. In terms of the working conditions, it is quite disappointing. The warehouses where I work are not well-equipped. They do not even have a decent comfort room. We share lockers, too. Our break room is close to dilapidation so rest periods can be hardly called rest at all. As to breaks, we have 30-minute lunch breaks from 12:00-12:30 then 2 bathroom privileges, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. My employer, I think, is a large corporation because it has seven branches in the country though each establishment is not really as big as other large companies. It has hundreds of employees so maybe it is indeed a big investment. During working hours, we rarely talk with my co-workers. However, we get to discuss some topics while taking our breaks such as our family lives. Usually they are family problems and we can only share them to the people at work to at least ease out a bit. We also chat about current events, latest happenings inside and outside the workplace, entertainment, and just about anything under the sun. Labor unions have declined over the past few years. But at times we talk about it. Generally, my co-workers especially those who have worked for a long time in the company, have always wanted to form a union where we could express our sentiments to our employers. Maybe, this would have improved our status in this company. Nevertheless, no one has really had the guts to lead us. Inasmuch as I wanted to help, I chose to have a job rather than not having one at all. I am scared of being jobless. I am still thankful even if I am only a low-wage worker. Works Cited Hansen, Randall. â€Å"Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America.† Quintessential Careers. 28 June 2007 . Low-Wage Workers It is not easy being a low-wage worker. In my case, I am a family man. I have a wife who just stays at home without any source of income and two kids who go to school. Sad to say, I am among the 30 million workers who earn less than $9 an hour. The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. I never went to college. What kind of jobs is in store for high-school graduates only? If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present. Not that I did not have the qualifications for the job, but nowadays, referrals help a lot. After filling out the standardized bio-data, I was called for interview directly. Drug tests were not required. My employer is Chinese and runs a family business, so most of the higher positions are held by family members except for some employees who have worked their all their lives. The one who interviewed me was the Executive Vice-President of the company who happens to be the wife of the President. She was kind. Not the type I expected to be. She was very calm in asking questions, as if I have known her for a long time. I did not feel very uncomfortable. She encouraged me to speak my thoughts, which was good because I need not worry too much about what to say. Our relationship at present is fairly good. But still my sentiments of a low-paying job with almost no benefits remain to cause me more difficulties in life. I keep on asking myself, â€Å"When will I get out of this dead-end job?† My fellow employees come in two categories: the well-paid workers with benefits and those who are like me with minimal benefits. I am not counting the employed family members because of course, the get good pay. Those who have higher positions usually have graduated from college with good to excellent scholastic record. These are the employees who possess innate, learned, and transferable skills. There was some who just finished high-school but they have special skills which are indispensable in the company. The ones like me are graduates of high-school only, with limited skills and abilities except for some. This is the reason why after working for 10 years in this company, I hardly get a raise. If I or any of my family members get sick, we simply incur debts to be able to attend to our medications. In terms of the working conditions, it is quite disappointing. The warehouses where I work are not well-equipped. They do not even have a decent comfort room. We share lockers, too. Our break room is close to dilapidation so rest periods can be hardly called rest at all. As to breaks, we have 30-minute lunch breaks from 12:00-12:30 then 2 bathroom privileges, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. My employer, I think, is a large corporation because it has seven branches in the country though each establishment is not really as big as other large companies. It has hundreds of employees so maybe it is indeed a big investment. During working hours, we rarely talk with my co-workers. However, we get to discuss some topics while taking our breaks such as our family lives. Usually they are family problems and we can only share them to the people at work to at least ease out a bit. We also chat about current events, latest happenings inside and outside the workplace, entertainment, and just about anything under the sun. Labor unions have declined over the past few years. But at times we talk about it. Generally, my co-workers especially those who have worked for a long time in the company, have always wanted to form a union where we could express our sentiments to our employers. Maybe, this would have improved our status in this company. Nevertheless, no one has really had the guts to lead us. Inasmuch as I wanted to help, I chose to have a job rather than not having one at all. I am scared of being jobless. I am still thankful even if I am only a low-wage worker. Works Cited Hansen, Randall. â€Å"Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America.† Quintessential Careers. 28 June 2007 .

Strategic Choice and Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic Choice and Evaluation - Essay Example This paper will look at alternatives Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth. The paper will assess the best value discipline, generic strategy, and grand strategy for the organization. The paper will conclude by recommending a combination of strategies the organization should put into practice. The best value discipline Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth is customer intimacy. This means that Medtronic’s will concentrate on providing services and products required by a particular client and not what is required by the whole market. Organizations, which are customer-intimate, develop relationships with their clients and are not after one time dealings. They dedicate their selves in satisfying distinctive needs, which frequently only they, by virtue of their profound knowledge, and intimate relationship with clients acknowledge (Grant, 2008). Therefore, for Medtronic’s to realize growth, their suggestion to the clients should be to provide t he best solution for them and offer all the assistance necessary so as to realize the best outcomes and at total minimal cost. The best generic strategy to be employed by Medtronic’s should be the cost leadership strategy. Generic strategies illustrate the techniques of attaining competitive advantage. This explains the techniques employed to establish the upper hand that gets the organization the sale and takes it away from rivals in the sector. There are two ways Medtronic’s may realize this by utilizing the cost leadership strategy. One, Medtronic’s may enhance earnings by minimizing expenses while utilizing industry-average costs. Two, Medtronic’s may augment market share by imposing reduced costs, while at the same time making a realistic profit on every services offered and of product sold because Medtronic’s will have decreased costs. One should bear in mind that cost leadership concerns lessening the cost to the organization of providing se rvices and products. Also, it should be noted that the price or cost paid by the client is a distinct matter. The cost leadership strategy entails being the leader with regard to cost in the market or industry. Being among the lowest-cost producers is simply not sufficient as Medtronic’s will leave itself wide open to competition by other organizations who offer services and products at a lower cost and, consequently, may emasculate Medtronic’s prices and, therefore, hinder its capacity to realize growth. Therefore, Medtronic’s needs to have confidence in attaining and retaining the leaders position prior to selecting the cost leadership strategy. Nonetheless, organizations that successfully realize the cost leadership strategy typically contain extremely adequate logistics, access to the funds required to invest in technology which will help lessen costs, and a reduced cost base, and a strategy of efficiently reducing costs beneath those of its rivals (Olsen, 2 012). The grand strategy that Medtronic’s should consider to realize growth is product development. Product development entails investing immensely in research and development so as to fashion innovative and new product offerings. Product development is fundamentally the reverse of market development. Pro

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Australian National Fund Raising Organization Association Essay

Australian National Fund Raising Organization Association - Essay Example Our group will use many techniques to raise funds for our events and they will be discussed below. Our group is planning two separate events in order to raise funds. There are two broad segments of the society that can be used to raise funds. One segment consists of adults of over 35 years of age and the other is the younger segment which comprises of young people from ages 16 to 35. Our group is planning to make use of both these segments to raise money for our fundraiser. For adults, we are planning a dinner reception where they will get a chance to socialize. In the dinner, notable members will be given a chance to say something for the cause of poverty. The dinner reception will be formal as its target market is mature adult people who will be willing to spend their money on donations. Another, often neglected in terms of fundraising, the segment of the society that can contribute to charity is the younger generation. Young people can also play a big role in raising money given that fundraising is done keeping in mind their needs. Our group is planning to hold a party for the younger population in order to raise funds for the poor. We will be selling food, drinks, and other items in the party in order to raise funds. Different techniques will be used to raise funds for both the events. Older and younger people have different demands and perceptions, and it is vital to plan fundraisers accordingly in order to raise sufficient amounts of a fund. In the dinner reception funds will be raised by tickets and donations. People will be sold tickets and they will be communicated that the money we get from the tickets will go to the charity. In the dinner reception, we will also ask people to donate money towards the cause. Speeches will be made to motivate them to raise money. In the dinner reception, we will offer people drinks, appetizers, and dinner so that people have enough time to socialize, and we can raise more and more money. Donations will be our main target because most of the money from tickets will be used to cover expenses that will be incurred in arranging for the venue and dinner for guests.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Target Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Target Market - Assignment Example IKEA doesn’t just provide its clientele with high quality, low cost furniture; they also offer their clients delicious food from their restaurant, and provide transportation for larger items. IKEA’s in store revenue has been inclining quite steadily, and there has been a 9.8% increase on their online retail store, a 7.4% increase on online furniture category sales and a 2.9% increase in its total furniture sales throughout all their distribution channels (Fig 1). In order for IKEA to keep growing, and remain competitive is to provide a service that is readily available to the majority of the market, that service can be easily made available as a mobile and tablet application. As part of the New IKEA Virtual Furniture Application, our team intends to integrate: the whole online catalogue (approx. 10,000 products), BESTA Planner (which is a feature on the IKEA website that allows the customer to design the colour, style and format of any of IKEA’s furniture’ s), Create Cozy (which is another feature on the IKEA website that lets you design the layout of a room), ability to input dimensions (this feature will allow the customer to input the dimensions of their wall/room in order to distinguish if a piece of furniture is too large for that section of the room, see (Fig 3.)) The application will come in bended with a new feature called Draw Furniture which allows the customer to draw their own furniture and decide its dimensions and colours, and the feature will automatically select the closest furniture (from its online catalogue) that matches the dimensions and style of the furniture drawn. If the furniture drawn does not have any matches, IKEA will promptly build it upon payment. (See Fig below for preview) The Android OS Smartphones are currently dominating the Smart Phone Market Share at 36% and the Apple I-OS is at 27% total market share (Fig 2). Now Windows Mobile is only just reaching 10%, but they’re mobile phones are incre asing in processor speeds and storage space which will have a major increase in its future users. The IKEA will be made a multi-platform application making it available to the Android OS, Apple I-OS and the Windows Smart Phones, making it available to a total of 74% of the total Smart Phone Market. A rental scheme will also be introduced for selected customers by making selected mobile smart phones and tablets available to rent to enhance the shopping experience and promote loyalty towards IKEA and also a way of goodwill from IKEA. Competition Our investigation has specified that there are currently no other retail applications offering all of their online features in an Application. Harvey Norman is in the process of developing an application that allows the customer to select a particular product such as kitchen-ware, furniture and other appliances but does provide all of their online features in the application itself. There are also a few interior decorating applications but the se do not offer the inbuilt purchasing capability that IKEA does. The IKEA Virtual Furniture Application is a one stop shop for any consumer looking to purchase furniture. Value Curve The value curve helps to understand what features a customer see will add value to their experience; in this case the curve compares in-store purchases, online purchases and the IKEA Virtual Fu

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management and Organisations Individual REPORT Essay

Management and Organisations Individual REPORT - Essay Example Through such cultures, the allowance of personal goals to subsume the team goals becomes rather difficult as they go against the core drivers for elements of self-preservation. The elements of team operation have a major effect on considering the different teams and elements types for team effectiveness. The major components of team effectiveness include viability and performance. Performance focuses on success in the delivery of several outputs (that is, services, products, information, or performance events) to the prospective consumers across the organization. The organization viability element has a future orientation and inclusion of continuity. The variability of viability is the ability towards maintaining the integral group membership while responsibility has to do with a shared group purpose. Cohesion refers to the responsibility of appreciating each of the team member’s contributions while capability describes the accomplishment of shared purposes (Cascio, 2006). For gaining success, teams have to focus on the integration of viability and performance. Researchers offer different explanatory models towards helping accurate conceptualization of team effectiveness. There is a pioneering development into input-process-output model in measuring organization effectiveness. Even with the age of the idea, most other models for work group effectiveness have a heavy reliance on it. Inputs have a key change driver for processes in case they mediate the effects of such inputs to their issues (Mullins, 2007). Inputs embrace all personal elements (such as experience, expertise, personality, and status) brought to teams when formation. The process variables engage the interaction of different team members of social information exchange, attempts leadership, and influence) as well as inherently dynamic outputs. They refer to yields from the group. From these, process variables

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient Annotated Bibliography

Neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient - Annotated Bibliography Example This article was concerned with providing information about the consequences and prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. It also identified who may be at risk from febrile neutropenia regardless of the status of their chemotherapy treatment. This aritcle was useful and relevant to the paper because it provided a lot of information and statistics about the prevalence of neutropenia in these patients as well as the usual methods of treatment. This was published in a journal that was peer-reviewed and found on a reliable database and so the information found here can be said to be reliable. Lyman, G. (2011). A comparison of international guidelines for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Current Opinion in Haemotology, 18(1), 1-10. Retrieved May 15, 2011, from the Science Direct database. This article studied the differences between international guidelines for the prevention of neutropenia in chemotherapy patients. From this, there were many conclusions made about which were the most effective guidelines. This was useful to the paper because it provided information on how to prevent neutropenia in these patients and the various different treatments available. The article was published in a peer-reviewed journal and was found on Science Direct, a renowned database, so reliability is high. The information in this article centers around neutropenia in general and how this leads to a higher prevalence of bacterial infections. It also gives information on how this may be dangerous to patients. This was relevant in the writing of this paper because it gave more information about how neutropenia can lead to disease and thus why it is such an important problem. It did not give information specific to chemotherapy patients, and thus the information must be used carefully when generalizing. The information was found in a peer-reviewed journal on a reliable database and is thus reliable. Rolsten, K. (2005). Challenges in the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Apply for graduate school, MA in Economics Personal Statement

Apply for graduate school, MA in Economics - Personal Statement Example In spite of the fact that I already have a degree for developing a career, becoming an outstanding professional with specialized knowledge in my field is my immediate objective for pursuing the course. This is because my previous academic background is so wide with inadequate ‘in-depth’ knowledge in economic principles and theories for practical application. I further believe that taking the course from a distinguished institution like yours, which is also a key competitive advantage in the job market, and eventually establishing my career in a reputable international organization will be a key to my professional objective. The need for highly rated economists to solve existing economic problems at different levels of the society, local, national, and international levels has also motivated my desire to pursue the Masters degree in economics because it provides an opportunity to influencing policies for the society’s economic benefit. My intention to complete the masters program also factors in a number of personal goals. Upon completing the degree, I hope to work with a social international agency that specializes in economic empowerment of communities in ‘poverty-stricken’ developing countries, a position from which I shall be able to initiate positive transitions in people’s lives besides conducting research into economic theories. Sharing my acquired knowledge with other members of the society is also my goal into the course. I for instance intend to apply my knowledge in lecturing university and college students as a part time activity. Further, upon attaining my professional goal towards a recognized social status, I hope to be a socially responsible member of the society through mobilization and empowerment of the youth towards pursuits for higher education, entrepreneurial ventures, and social responsibility. This is because the youth lacks dedicated

Friday, August 23, 2019

Information Technology Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Information Technology Security - Essay Example Associations ought to have a powerful process for recognizing new clients of SpiderWeb and recording, endorsing, and overseeing access rights (SAMPEMANE 62-65). New demands for SpiderWeb will be put together by client administration to the information or framework manager for endorsement and handling. In specific cases, the task of rights may be secured by the workers part or gathering participation, and oversaw by pre-established approvals for that gathering. Sellers or builders may be allowed access, focused around their association. The data owner of SpiderWeb will review and evaluate the request based on job functions. Once approved, access will be configured by the data custodians or system administrators (Tolone et al. 29-41). The provisioning methodology ought to incorporate an effective system for informing the allowing power when a clients status or part changes (Tolone et al. 29-41). Thus, when change, will provoke a survey and result in the upgrading of access rights. Upon the client’s end, access control benefits ought to be disavowed in an opportune way. In addition to normal operations, the assignment of authentication and authorization credentials should include business continuity planning responsibilities for SpiderWeb. Validation is the check of character by a framework or database focused around the presentation of remarkable qualifications to that framework implemented in SpiderWeb. Confirmation helps the privacy of information and the responsibility of activities performed on frameworks by checking the exceptional character of a client. Passwords are an essential strategy for SpiderWeb, used to control access to assets and are the most well-known verification component. Different components incorporate token instruments and biometrics. Confirmation that depends on more than one certification is called multifactor validation and is for the most part stronger than any single-component methods. To focus on the requirement of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Active Versus Passive Mind Debate Essay Example for Free

Active Versus Passive Mind Debate Essay Étienne Bonnot de Condillac an 18th-century French philosopher contended that the senses are the foundation for all ideas and other functions carried out in the mind. Another prominent French philosopher, Renà © Descartes supported the Rationalistic theory; an explanation of behavior based on logic that has nothing to do with the senses. Condillac’s Sensationalism premise and Descartes theory of Rationalism serve as fuel for the classic active versus passive mind debate. The passive mind theory suggests that all learning occurs through the experience of sensations, in the absence of voluntary mind control processes, while the active mind theory claims the exact opposite; that individuals actively focus certain mental processes on the subject matter and the senses play no part in the process. Descartes also believed that sensory data was inclined to be false and was therefore useless, suggesting that mathematical deduction was the only path to the truth. Justin Skirry 2008 I believe that both theories have some validity. The problem arises for me with the use of the word all by Condillac, and the use of the word only by Descartes, which is what takes the theories from the moderate part of the continuum to the extreme. Sensory learning is of course a proven fact, but it is also a fact that active learning occurs as well. It is not unusual for a philosopher to be both a sensationalist and a rationalist at the same time. I tend to trust my deductive powers of reasoning more than my senses, because many outside forces can alter the senses. Take emotion for instance, I am aware of the role unchecked emotions can play in faulty decision-making. I have learned not to make important decisions when I am in a highly emotional state.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Parody Through Counter Examples Essay Example for Free

Parody Through Counter Examples Essay Counter examples are used throughout this play, and is a key role in the parody of the play. On both male and female sides of the dynamics in the play the first one is right from the start. â€Å"the streets are absolutely clogged with frantic females banging on tambourines. No urging for an orgy!† (727) In the â€Å"Classical Age† of Athens upperclass women assumed the role of a housewife, where their duties were to either clean up the house or organize the slaves of the house to do it for them. It was unheard of for women to be out in the streets like this period much less at night. The women of Athens formed together to plot against the men to bring them home from the war. As the women were gathering to plan against the men, Lysistrata said, â€Å"Im on fire right down to the bone. Im positively ashamed to be a woman—a member of a sex which cant even live up to male slanders! To hear our husbands talk, were sly: deceitful, always plotting, monsters of intrigue†(728) this quote makes me laugh, because while she is saying this her and multiple women are plotting a way to get back at the men. This quote plays off the stereotype that a woman is always out to make a mans life miserable in everything they do, but this is exactly the thing they are trying to do. While the women are out in the streets they continue to show how ridiculous they are when they are complaining on how much they do for their men. This quote by Kleonike is a prime example, â€Å"Theyll be here. You know a womans way is hard mainly the way out of the house: fuss over hubby, wake the maid up, put the baby down, bathe him, feed him† (728) Kleonike goes on and on about how much work they have to do, but she mentions that she gets up the maid, which does the work for her. This quote plays of the stereotype that women do a lot of house work, but in the play they have maids so obviously they are not doing too much. Counter examples are a huge part of the parody that is within the play, all of my previous quotes had stereotypes in them, but they all counter themselves. Parodys are still very popular today, for example the movie Space Balls which is a parody of Star Wars. Space Balls makes fun of everything that is taken very seriously in Star Wars, which gives the movie that comedy feel a parody comes with. Throughout the play, parody is seen in both the men and the women. The stereotype that men are strong and tough is presented towards the beginning of the play at the gates of the treasury. â€Å"Never been confronted with such backtalk. Cant allow it. Somebody pick up a log and pulverize that brass.† (740) Immediately following this the men are easily silence by nothing more than a bunch of women carrying water. These rough and tough men seen in the previous quote were defeated by nothing more than water. â€Å"[Shivering, the CHORUS OF MEN retreats in utter defeat]† (742) After the mens defeat they run away to the Commissioner, and he is sent home packing after several attempts to â€Å"out man† Lysistrata. â€Å"Gross ineptitude. A sorry day for the Force.†(745) This also relates to a parody in our modern day times with our own military. I here people complain about so many things our military does and stands for, yet the majority of the people criticizing are too afraid to join the military to begin with. So this â€Å"manly† stereotype applies to modern times as well, men are quick to jump up to fight someone, but do they go through with it most of time, no. This quick battle also shows how brutal these Athenian women are, when women of the classical age were to only be seen not heard. Women were used as trophies most of the time, to be seen only and never heard. In this quote you get a typical stereotype of the women of this time, â€Å"Glamor is our only talent. All we can do is sit, primped and painted made up and dressed up,† (729). Women were never known to be violent, but in this quick battle with the men and the commissioner we see how brutal these women are, â€Å"INTO THE FRAY! Show them no mercy! Push! Jostle! Shove! Call them nasty names! Dont be lady like!†(745) In no way, form, or fashion are these ladies being lady like in this scene, which is another perfect example of parody runs wild throughout this play making it out to be the comedy it was made to be. All of these counter examples play favor to my leading argument which is the fact that the women in this play use parody the most through abstinence by withholding sex. This is the biggest parody of them all. This play revolves around sex, but the whole goal of the womens tactics is to refrain from it. Its easy to see with my following examples that this play uses parody around every turn. The parody in this play does not come without a type of counter example of a stereotype that is either assumed or given throughout the play. In this time frame, women would have never been allowed to do this. If you can put your mindset in the classical age of Athens its easy to see how funny and how much parody is actually used.

Physical Education In Schools | Essay

Physical Education In Schools | Essay Education, in the broad sense, can be considered as any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. Formal education is the process by which society, through schools, colleges, universities and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage, accumulated knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to another. It involves planned programs and distinct methods for the purpose of accomplishing educational objectives. No doubt education has been a state subject, but the centre has always kept a keen vigil over its development (Naik, 1974). Physical education is one of the elements of education; which through physical activity can transform knowledge, values and skills-as a result of participation in muscular activities. Much can be learned about environment, others, and ownselves through this form of participation. Furthermore, it can significantly influence the development of ones personality and ability to function effectively (Ali, 2005). The central advisory board of physical education and recreation (1964) emphasized that physical education is an integral part of the education- education through physical activity to develop the total personality of the child to its fulfillment and perfection in body, mind and spirit. It is concerned with the development of physical fitness. In driving for such fitness, however, physical education has to train the children mentally, morally with social qualities, arouse its awareness about environment and develop alertness, presence of mind, resourcefulness, discipline, co-ordination and the spirit of respect, sympathy and generosity towards others-qualities that are essential for making congruence with the environment to live a happy and well adjusted life in a free and democratic world. Physical education can thus make a very valuable contribution to our national life. UNESCO (1999) asserted that everything that influences behaviour and personality is education. By encouraging development of the childs abilities, physical education and sport constitute the very foundation of education, a veritable schooling for life in society. Instead of the mind-body dichotomy it would seem preferable to adopt the principles of unity and parity. It is desirable in any case that in the first instance children, and especially adolescents, should be helped to gain awareness of their bodies and the psycho-physical unity of their being, because physical learning is not only physical activity, but also knowledge. It emphasizes that physical education has a fixed place in the school timetable and it is seen one of the only subjects which offers the opportunity for students to improve their physical fitness, develop physical and social skills, and gain knowledge which is not included in other areas of the curriculum. It has further emphasized that the physical education has a major role to play in the development of young people. It is closely linked to other creative learning experiences and skill acquisition. The history of physical education reflects peoples attitudes about physical activity from prehistoric times, because the phenomenon survival of fittest was directly related to physical prowess to find food. Gradually, ancient societies in China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome adopted physical education as part of military training. As the more developed societies came to value the scholarly life, physical education lost favor. In the 11th five year plan (2007-2012) the working group on sports and physical education has suggested that accentuated sports and Games as a vital component of social and cultural life are embedded in the Indian heritage, and can be found in the archaeological excavations of Mohenjodaro and Harappa, the Vedic literature, the Ramayana and Mahabharata, the Puranas, the literary works of eminent scholars such as Kautilya, Kalidasa, Panini and Dandin, as well as in Buddhist and Jain literature. Physical activities had been seen as an intrinsic component of education and valuable and effective means for the development of human personality in the philosophical texts of ancient Greece, the progenitor of the Olympic movement. Every civilization has evolved and developed its own indigenous modes of physical endeavor and healthy social interaction through a variety of games and sports. Apart from being a means of physical exercise and fitness, sports and games have been a medium of entertai nment, the generation of a spirit of healthy competition, bonding and pride in the community, and an avenue of constructive preoccupation for active young generation. Physical education and sport, although closely linked, are not synonymous. Sport is formalised physical activity involving competition or challenges against oneself, others or the environment, with an emphasis on winning. It begins in play and develops through games and challenges. The focus in the physical education curriculum is on the childs holistic development, stressing personal and social development, physical growth, and motor development. Goal-setting, within the curriculum, focuses on individual improvement and not on winning or being the best Primary School Curriculum, (1999). Participation in physical education and sport programs provide students with an opportunity to develop their decision-making, problem solving and social skills through a health enhancing environment which contributes to enjoyment, increased mental alertness and an understanding about the importance of physical activity for life long benefits. Therefore, the planning and management of the physical education curriculum in schools should always have to be child-centered, mainly focusing on their overall development and providing rich and varied experiences physical education sports policy for schools, Saint Lucia, (2002). It has been found that after the independence of the country numerous commissions have been appointed by the Central and State governments to study various aspects of education, point out the pit-falls and to suggest the appropriate measures for over-coming them. Some of the pioneer education commissions and their specific significant recommendations with special reference to physical education and sports have been presented here under for reference in view of their relevance in the context of the present empirical research work: Sri Ramaswamy Mudaliar Commision (1952-53) The Mudaliar Commission Secondary Education Commission (1952-53) recommended that in physical education group games and individual physical exercises should be given in the schools under the supervision of Director of physical education. It also recommend that, all teachers or at least those below the age of 40 should actively participate in many of the activities of physical education and thus make it a living part of total school program instead of being a side issue entrusted to an isolated member of the staff. It placed special value on group games as they help to mould charter of students in addition to affording recreational facilities and contributing to their physical well being. The All India Council of Sports (1954) This council was constituted by Union Ministry of Education to advise Government on all matters related to sports and games including financial assistance to sports organizations. It acted as liaison between various sports bodies and the government. It advised sports organizations, suggested steps for development of playgrounds etc., adopted suitable measures to improve sports standards, ensured proper use of funds and facilitated National teams to go abroad for participation in sports competitions. Ad hoc Inquiry Committee for Games and Sports (1958) This committee was appointed by the central government under the chairmanship of Maharaja of Patiala. It investigated the persistently low standards of Indian teams in sports and games at Olympics and other international competitions. The committee recommended that better facilities should be made available, credits should be given to players for achievements in sports and talented players should be provided with nutrition. Kunzuru Committee (1959) It was appointed to examine the report on the schemes of physical education, sports and character building programs in educational institutions. It recommended the measures for effective co-ordination of different schemes as well as the graded syllabus in physical education for the first time in the country. Dr CD Deshmukh Committee (1963) It was appointed by University grant Commission to examine the facilities of physical education and standards of sports and games in the Indian Universities and Colleges. It was also to recommend measures to be taken to improve standards. It recommended that highest priority should be given to physical education in Universities and colleges. The recommendations emphasized on provisions of basic facilities on the basis of grant-in-aid and need of coaching of talented students. Education Ministers Conference (1964) The conference of Education Ministers of the states in 1956, 1959 and 1964 recommended that greater attention should be given to the provision of playgrounds in educational institutions and adequate funds should be provided for this purpose and also that physical exercises, sports and games must be provided for every student. The conferences recommended that physical education is an integral part of the education- education through physical activity to develop the total personality of the child to its fulfillment and perfection in body, mind and spirit, immediately. It is concerned with the development of physical fitness. In driving for such fitness, however, physical education has necessarily to train the children mentally, morally and social qualities, arouse its awareness of environment and develop alertness, presence of mind, resourcefulness, discipline, co-ordination and the spirit of respect, sympathy and generosity towards other qualities that are essential for a happy and we ll adjusted life in a free and democratic world. Physical education can thus make a very valuable contribution to our national life. The report of the Education Commission (1966) The report observes that there has been a tendency in recent Government schemes of physical education to emphasize only the physical fitness values. The report has laid down the following principles upon which a satisfactory programme of physical education should be based: a) Physical education programmes should be planned for desirable outcomes keeping in mind the interest and capacity of the participant. b) Special Instruction and coaching should be provided to students with talent and special aptitude. Kothari Commission (1966) The Kothari Commission (Education Commission) 1964-66 recommended that it must be emphasized that physical education contributes not only to physical fitness but also to physical efficiency, mental alertness, and development of certain qualities like perseverance, team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules, moderation in victory and balance in defeat. Physical education should include development exercises, rhythmic activity, sports and games, outing activities and group handling activities. Simpler activities should be introduced in the early classes more advanced ones should be gradually provided as boys and girls become more and more mature. Ishwarbhai Patel Committee (1981-82) This committee had laid special emphasis on physical education and sports in school education and has pointed out the need for adequate time provision for this area of school work. The Committee has suggested that physical education at the primary stage should include: (a) dance (b) games including training; (c) yoga; (d) gymnastics and (e) swimming. The Report of The All India Seminar on Problems of Physical Education and Sports for School and Non-school Going Youth (1981-82) The report has came to the following conclusions: a) That physical education and sports have not yet become a mass movement in the life of the people of India. b) There is absence of a workable programme, lack of facilities, equipment and properly trained personnel to implement the programmes of physical education and sports in educational institutions; c) There is a large out of school youth population for which there is particularly no provision for sports activities; d) Special efforts must be made to popularize physical education and sports among women and girls. Sports Authority of India: Sports Authority of India was established in 1984, with the aim to develop the sports infrastructure in various parts of the country on one hand and thus to produce elite sports persons for International participation on the other hand. One of the progressive steps was the re-organization of the departments under the Union Ministry of Education and the creation of Ministry of human Resource Development. So far as physical education, sports and youth development are concurred, this new ministry has created the Sports Authority of India in 1984 to look after all aspects relating to physical education, sports, adventure sports and other youth development programmes. This organization (SAI) has been trying hard to co-ordinate all schemes relating to training and coaching of physical education and sports, developing infrastructure facilities in the country and rendering useful advise to the government in matters relating to sports and games. However, it is the Sports Authority of India (SAI), which has been responsible for promotion of sports in the country. Many of the countrys leading sports persons are products of SAI system. Over the years SAI has initiated various schemes to spot talent and nurture them. N.C.E.R.T. Curriculum (1988) The NCERT developed the national curriculum for elementary and secondary in 1988 to reflect the postulates of the National Policy of Education and the Programmes of action, 1986. The main thrust of this exercise was to provide for the national core-curriculum in the school syllabi as postulated in the National Policy and to integrate physical education with the academic program in the schools. The core-curriculum states that health and physical education and sports should be an integral part of the learning process and be included in the evaluation of performance. It underlines the important place of mental and emotional health in addition to physical health. It also states that amongst the sports and games activities due stress should be made on the indigenous traditional games. As a system which promotes integral development of the body and mind. The core-curriculum envisages 10% of the time in the school time table for health and physical education at primary stage, 10% at upper primary stage and 9% at secondary stage. Annual Plan (1999-2000) An outlay of Rs 190 crore had been approved for the Department of Youth Affair Sports for the Annual Plan 1999-2000. The thrust was on harnessing Yuva Shakti and Development of Sports Infrastructure and promotion of Sports and games in the following ways:- Integration of various schemes of youth implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs Sports was emphasized with a view to develop linkage between programmes and to make available more funds for programme contents rather than administrative cost. There was need to take wider perspective and integrate sports as part of education system. For that purpose, department of education is to earmarked funds for sports promotion, upkeep of playgrounds, sports infrastructure under Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodya Vidyalayas, training of physical education instructors etc. Similarly, the state Governments were also provided additive provision for sports in their education Budgets so that improved sports facilities would become available to youth. Special attention was given to the promotion of sports and games among the special children by providing specially designed equipment, playgrounds and instructors and by holding of tournaments. Need was felt to formulate a scheme for the promotion of sports among the special population. In order to implement the recommendations of these commissions and committees regarding physical education and sports, ministry of youth affairs and sports has been created by centre government in 1982. For ensuring mass participation in games and sports and to create sporting environment in the country, Sports Authority of India came into being in 1984. Besides above, the government of India has formulated national policies for education as well as sports time to time wherein for the promotion of games and sports, specific objectives have been spelled out. National Policy on Education (1968) Soon after the report of the Kothari Commission, National Policy on Education was enunciated in (1968) and was specified that games and sports should be developed on a large scale with the object of improving the physical fitness and sportsmanship of the average students as well as those who excel in the institution. Where playing fields and other facilities for developing a nationwide programme of physical education did not exist, those had to be provided on priority basis. The Draft National Sports Policy (1980) It has laid down the enlisted aims and objectives of the three-fold new sports policy (a) to inculcate sports and health consciousness among the masses for regular participation in sports and to make the nation healthy and strong (b) to raise the standards in sports and in the process earn a place of pride in international sports competitions; (c) to provide all the necessary facilities and infrastructure which are essential for creating sports consciousness and promotion of the standards of performance in sports. National Policy on Education (1986) As modified in (1992) with National Policy on Education, (1968), Sports and physical education is an integral part of the learning process, and will be included in the evaluation of performance. A nation-wide infrastructure for physical education, sports and games will be built into the educational edifice. The infrastructure will consist of playfields, equipment, coaches and teachers of physical education as part of the school improvement programme. Available open spaces in urban areas will be reserved for playgrounds, if necessary by legislation. Efforts will be made to establish sports institutions and hostels where specialized attention will be given to sports activities and sports-related studies, along with normal education. Appropriate encouragement will be given to those talented in sports and games. Due stress will be laid on indigenous traditional games. Efforts will be made to introduce Yoga in all schools. To this end, it will be introduced in teacher training courses. National Sports Policy (2001) The National Sports Policy, 1984 was formulated with the objective of raising the standard of sports in the country. The National Education Policy, 1986 also incorporated the objectives of the policy in so far as the Education Sector was concerned. In terms of the National Sports Policy, 2001, the Central Government, in conjunction with the State Government, the Olympic Association (IOA) and the National Sports Federation will concertedly pursue the twin objectives of Broad-basing of Sports and Achieving Excellence in Sports at the National and International level. While the broad-basing of Sports will, primarily remain a responsibility of State Governments. The Union Government and the Sports Authority of India (SAI), in association with the Indian Olympic Association and the National Sports Federations, will focus specific attention on the objective of achieving excellence at the National and International levels. The integration of Sports and Physical Education with the Educational Curriculum, making it a compulsory subject of learning up to the Secondary School level and incorporating the same in the evaluation system of the student, will be actively persuaded. A National Fitness Programme would be introduced in all Schools in the Country, steps initiated to augment the availability of infrastructure, including play fields sports equipment and action taken to provide Physical Education Teachers in educational institutions through, inter-alia, the training of selected teachers in these disciplines. Specialized Sports Schools may also be set up. An appropriate inter-school and inter-college/university competition. National Youth Policy (2003) The earlier National Youth Policy was formulated in(1988). Its objectives were to help develop in youth qualities of discipline, self- reliance, justice and fair-play. It emphasized that physical fitness will be promoted through mass participation in yoga, indigenous games and modern sports will be made an integral part of all youth programmes, together with adventure activities calculated to develop the spirit of risk taking, team work and endurance. The socio-economic conditions in the country have since undergone a significant change and have been shaped by wide-ranging technological advancement. The National Youth Policy-2003 is designed to galvanize the youth to rise up to the new challenges, keeping in view the global scenario, and aims at motivating them to be active and committed participants in the exciting task of National Development. The Policy, accordingly enunciates that: Sports and games be promoted as a mass movement by making it a way of life; Sports, Games and Physical Education including Yoga, should be compulsory in all Educational Institutions; Every educational institution should have adequate facilities for recreation, adventure and sports activities, including playgrounds; At least one-fifth of the time spent by a student in an educational institution should be earmarked for outdoor activities; Geographically disadvantaged areas would be extended additional support for the promotion of Sports and Games; Rural, traditional and indigenous sports would be accorded special attention and it would be the responsibility of the Panchayat institutions with the help of local youth organizations to develop and maintain infrastructure for this purpose. This involvement of organized youth bodies such as youth clubs under the NYKS, the volunteers of the NSS and the Scouts and Guides in the creation and maintenance of sports infrastructure will go a long way in reducing the high cost of such infrastructure; A National Youth Festival will be held each year, starting at the Block level and culminating at the National level; Youth Hostels would be constructed in as many places of historical and cultural interest as possible, to promote youth tourism; Youth Organizations devoted to such activities will be encouraged; Adventure activities among the youth be promoted to inculcate qualities of leadership, resilience, courage, discipline and love for nature and the environment. In addition to the efforts made by the Central government, various state governments have also formulated sports policies for their respective states for the upliftment of games and sports as well as to involve youth in sporting activities. In addition to the efforts made by the Central Government, various state governments have formulated sports policies for their respective states for the upliftment of games and sports as well as to involve youth in sporting activities. These are as follows: State Sports Policy Meghalaya (2008) State Level Excellence (2008) Madhya Pradesh Sports Policy (2005) Haryana Sports Policy (2009) Punjab Sports Policy (2009) Draft State Policy of Assam (2010) The Jammu and Kashmir Draft State Sports Policy (2006) The aim and objectives of the sports policy can be broadly defined as under:- To provide opportunity to all individuals of the state to engage themselves in constructive, healthy physical activity for personality development irrespective of caste, creed, color, region and religion. To provide reasonable and adequate facilities to all individuals of the state in pursuing the sports activity of their choice depending upon the socio-economic and climatic conditions. To create infrastructure in every nook and corner of the state over a period of time so that every individual can pursue the game of his choice at his door step. To broad-base and strengthen the sports and allied activities carried out by various organizations in order to provide opportunity to every individual to participate in competitive sports. To encourage the people living in remote and inaccessible areas to involve themselves in various activities carried out by various organizations. To promote and encourage rural and indigenous sports and allied activities specific to the area. To provide adequate opportunities in terms of infrastructure, coaching, specialized training for achieving excellence in sports. To encourage, promote and patronage the activities of various Autonomous bodies like State Sports Associations for bringing about perceptible qualitative improvement in various sports and games. To provide incentives to the outstanding sports persons of the State by providing scholarships, reservation in professional colleges and job opportunities in Government/Private sector so as to encourage them to achieve higher landmarks in their respective games. To provide specialized coaching along the scientific lines to promising persons in the State for better performance at National/International level. To provide necessary infrastructure and financial support for popularizing and promoting various adventure sports in the State. To provide reasonable and adequate scientific back up to the sports persons and the persons associated with the promotion of sports in order to keep up with the latest technology and methodologies for excellence in different disciplines. To provide patronage and requisite financial assistance and infrastructure support to various Non-Governmental organizations like Nehru Yuva Kendra, Bharat Scouts and Guides Association etc; in order help them in promoting their activities throughout the State. The present work is a sincere effort of the researcher to critically evaluate the policies and programmes of physical education and sports being run in the schools of Jammu and Kashmir. Definitions of the Terms Physical Education Physical Education is an integral part of total education process; it is a field of endeavour which has its aim the development of physically fit citizens through the medium of physical activities which have been selected with a view of realizing these out comes. According to Williams (1964) Physical education is the sum of mans physical activities as to kind and conducted as to outcomes. The term Education when used in conjunction with physical, refers to a process of education that develops the human body especially fitness and movement skills (Pestolesi Baker, 1990). Programme Programme is an enlisted plan of events, performed at a public function. It is related to those activities which have distinctive mission and time schedule. Programmes is thus a means of achieving same desired results within the scheduled time. Policy Policy is a definite course or method of action selected by government, institution, group or individual from among alternatives and in the light of given conditions to guide and, usually, to determine present and future decisions.  · It is a specific decision or set of decisions designed to carry out such a course of action. Evaluation Neilson and Jensen (1972) have defined evaluation as a process of determining the status of something and of relating that status to some standard in order to make a value judgment. According to Chelladuri (1985) Evaluation is the process of assessing the degree to which the organization as a whole and various units and individuals have accomplished what they set out to do. The present study deals with critical evaluation of policies and programs of physical education and sports in Jammu and Kashmir. Physical education has been made compulsory by the Government in all Middle, High and Higher Secondary Schools but still needs special attention to find its rightful place in the general education. The researcher has undertaken this study keeping in view the intricacies and inadequacies of physical education and sports in the country in general and Jammu and Kashmir in particular. The review of literature has revealed that numerous researches have been conducted by the investigators regarding policies and programmes of physical education and sports in the states like Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, etc. but no sincere effort by any researcher has so far been made to examine the status of physical education and sports in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in general and its schools in particular. Hence, the present researcher has made an attempt to evaluate the policies and programmes of physical education and sports in the schools of Jammu and Kashmir. Hence the present survey type study has been designed. Statement of the Problem The study has been stated as Critical evaluation of policies and programmes of physical education in the schools of Jammu and Kashmir. Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study was to critically analyze the present state of policies and programmes of physical education and sports in the schools of Jammu and Kashmir, and thus to findout the existing shortcomings and inadequacies regarding these policies and programmes. Delimitations The study was delimited to high and higher secondary schools of Jammu and Kashmir regions. The study was delimited to the evaluation of programmes and policies regarding physical education and sports only at the level of high and higher secondary schools of Jammu and Kashmir regions. Only questionnaire methods were employed for collecting data regarding the present work which may also be a delimitation of the study. The study was further delimited to the government high and higher secondary schools of Jammu and Kashmir regions. Limitations As the present study was a status study and the method used for collecting data was survey method and the informations were gathered on a self designed questionnaire, it may be possible that some of the important informations might have left unaddressed. Biased approach of the respondents especially on some of the important matters may be considered as one of the limitations of the study. Casual attitude of the respondents has also been considered as the limitation of the study. Variations in climatic conditions of two regions of the state can also be considered as a limitation of the study. As the data was collected only from the physical education teachers and principals of the schools this may also be considered as a limitation. Hypotheses Keeping in view the objectives of the study, the following null hypotheses were formulated: There would be no proper implementation of policies and programmes of physical education and sports in the schools What is teamwork? What is teamwork? INTRODUCTION: TEAMWORK Teamwork is about galvanizing a group of people towards a common objective while simultaneously addressing the head yet appealing to the heart. Teamwork is also about bringing the best out of each individual in the pursuit of a collective goal deemed worthy of being realized. Therefore, according to Jon Katzenbach (a published author and consultant who is best known for his work on theinformal organisation.), ‘a teamis a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. IMPORTANCE OF TEAMWORK IN ORGANISATION A challenging business climate needs to be engaged by effective teamwork. It provides an opportunity to come together and establish a common ground for the fulfillment of specific objectives. Empathy, appreciation and encouragement are some of the critical ingredients of effective teamwork. The vision must be bold, stir the intellect and yet move the heart. What is at stake needs to be clearly spelled out. Alcorn (2006) provides a definition of a team from 1886, which defines a team as work done by several associates, with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole. In a simple context, this means that a team is a collective whole of people that work together so that they are more productive. The key for any organisation is to possess a team that can be defined using Alcorns provided definition. A team isnt a team simply because a company pulls a group of workers together and calls them a team, but instead as a result of careful planning, hard work, and constant tweaking of team processes on a continuous basis. In todays competitive world where every organisation is striving to gain the best position in the market the concept of Group Development and Teamwork are steadily gaining importance. Individual decision making has taken a back stage and paved the way for team management approach for problem solving and decision making which has been productive for the organisations. This strategy not only benefits the organisation but also the individual employee, hence its been rapidly adopted by businesses. Management Professor Tracy McDonald states that The teamwork push probably started in business in the late 1970s or early 80s with the advent of quality circles [employee problem-solving teams],she says innovation, creativity and change have been some of the main drivers of team success and since the past 30 years, organisations have embraced this concept with welcoming hands. Yuki Funo the Chairman and CEO of Toyota motor, states that the â€Å"Toyota way is the way to number 1†. One of the principles of the Toyota way is to ‘add value to the organisation by developing your people and people can be developed by molding them into exceptional individuals and teams to work within the corporate philosophy. Nippard B. creator a Facebook group (teamwork ladder) on teamwork states that â€Å"more than 80% of fortune 500 companies subscribe to teamwork. Teamwork brings success no matter how you define victory.† Groups and Teams facilitate the organisation to achieve a competitive advantage because groups increase responsiveness to the organisations customers, employee motivation, increase creativity and they have also been capable of helping the members of organisation to enhance task performance and experience more satisfaction with their work. Team Responsiveness to Customers: It has been a priority for organisations to be elastic and readily responsible for the continuously changing needs, behavior and desires of customers. Being reactive to customers often requires different levels of the hierarchy departments to combine their skills and knowledge. For example, at the lower hierarchy the employees such as sales representatives of a car company, they are the people who are closest to the customers and are aware of the customer needs. But their job in the organisation is to just make sales of the cars and they cannot instill the desired changes into the car, which is in the field of the research and development department. For making the change a higher level of hierarchy is required such as research and development experts and other members who can come together and create a group or a cross- functional team who with its diverse skills and capability will enhance the responsiveness to customer needs. It is important for managers to understand the need and set up the appropriate cross-functional team who will carefully determine what type of expertise and capabilities are required to be responsive to the customers. This information is very vital for forming teams. A cross-functional team is the best solution thats aligned to any business needs can help you improve your efficiency and respond to customers more quickly. The needs of a customer are focused forming such cross functional teams and a satisfied customer is always an asset for any organisation. Employee Motivation: Kreitner R. (1995) has defined motivation as ‘the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. ‘Groups and teams are formed to increase the productivity and efficiency of an organisation. To do so Managers have learnt that increasing employee motivation and satisfying team members is the best way to achieve an organisations strategic objectives. It is also about the motivation of members of the group to stick with each other and oppose leaving it. Being motivating to the team members and giving them the experience of working with other creative members in the organisation is very inspiring and leads the team members to be more creative in their work and helps them to be more productive and increases their work effort. All the ideas generated are directly contributed in the final result and in the success of the organisational goals, and hence the members of the team feel personally responsible for the outcomes or results of their work. This satisfies the statement by Dwight D. Eisenhower thatMotivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. Enhanced Performance and Synergy: ‘Synergy is the effect that the combined return â€Å"whole† is greater than the sum of the individual parts. (Sebastian Knoll, Cross-Business Synergies, page 14). The phenomenon of Synergy within a Group or Team has become one of the most vital parts for an organisation. People who work in groups are able to produce more efficiently and they confer greater quality of output than that produced by an individual and their productivity combined. Joint problem solving, variety in ideas and knowledge, different views towards an issue and accomplishing difficult tasks are some of the factors added by synergy in groups. To make utilize of synergy in groups managers need to make sure that, the group they put together comprise a variety of skills and talents which are diverse and corresponding but still relevant to the task, and being certain that these skills are coordinated efficiently. Managers should make sure that the groups achieve goals for the organisation in their own way and enough independence is provided to solve problems. Innovation: Organisations constantly strive to develop new products, services, new technologies and deliver them to the market. Innovation provides organisations with competitive advantage. An individual working alone might possess an innovative idea, but it takes a team with skills and expertise to execute it. For this reason, Managers create teams with different individuals, with diverse skills, knowledge, and a variety of talents so they can turn an individuals innovative idea to a successful one. Managers give maximum freedom to their teams to perform their tasks without interfering much and full responsibility is given to execute the innovation. Required guidance, training, and resources are provided by the Managers but the rest is in the hands of the team. Its therefore important to have skillful team mates and everyone should be specialized in their own work, to be more creative and quick which all lies as additional advantage to the team and organisation. Team Conflicts Teams do not work in isolation and are often highly dependent on other groups or teams within the organisation to complete their goals. Conflicts can arise due to several reasons but its often due to lack of agreement on the goals of different groups. Sometimes it also arises due to direct competition. The consequences of conflict can take two forms, positive and negative. Positive also known asconstructive conflicthelps teams work towards goals through healthy debate on the decision in question. Conflicts helps the team reduce conformity and unhealthy agreement, solve problems better and overcome obstacles to group progress. It also helps teams achieve goals outside the box through continuous feedback from both internal and external sources. Negative which is also known asdestructive conflicton the other hand can result in lack of cooperation within teams and this may prove disastrous to the final goal if not managed well at its early stages. There are following conflicts in groups which are causes of destructive conflicts. Relationship Conflict Task Conflicts Value Conflict It is therefore very important for managers to take control of all the problems right from their roots. Teams that face problems such as conflicts, risky shifts, groupthink and social loafing are a treat to the organisation and should be resolved at the earliest. Conclusion: Team oriented approach is the order of the day when it comes to successful organisations who have empowered their employees, motivated them and involved them in such a way that the existence of the organisation wouldnt have been possible without the existence of teams of such highly motivated individuals. Teamwork has bought the employee and the organisation closer than ever. Problem solving, creativity, innovation and shared vision are as synonymous to teamwork as teamwork is to success. Although team building is a complex process and there are many challenges that hinder a teams success. The effectiveness of teams is dependent upon a number of psychological factors that can inhibit or improve performance. Subtle processes such as social loafing, hierarchical effects, and personality differences can dramatically inhibit team performance. Within organisational settings, teams are usually put together and allowed to function without attempts being made to ensure effective functioning. The most important elements of team management are specifying individual and team goals and the design of the team task. At the same time there must be regular clear and accurate feedback to the team on its performance over time in order to promote effectiveness. The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience Agriculture: Food for Life Number of words: 537 Writers name: Kush Upadhyay Address: 1127 Meredith Way, Folsom, CA 95630 Phone number: 9165009613 Date of birth: 04/21/1999 School name: Vista Del Lago High School Grade: 4.0 I referred to a paper titled The Future of Food: Seeds of Resilience published by Global Alliance for the Future of Food in September 2016. The publication for focused on several aspects of improving the agro industry. Global Alliance believes that diverse and robust seed systems are central to sustainable food systems that are renewable, healthy and interconnected. They understand the urgency for supporting farmer managed seed systems in order to enhance seed diversity. Bettina Haussmann, who works across Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger with the Collaborative Crop Research Program, talks about womens important role in agricultural biodiversity and the link to nutrition: Working specifically with women farmers to cultivate and maintain local crop and varietal diversity could be a chance to (re-) link agriculture with nutrition, to improve dietary diversity in rural families and to achieve desired nutritional results and the reduction of malnutrition and hidden hunger. Bettina Haussmann discuss about the link between daily value of agricultural biodiversity and its preservation: By valuing specific crops and varieties as healthy food and possibly creating a local value chain and local markets, farmers can be encouraged to add these crops and varieties to their existing portfolio, for improving family nutrition and also for income generation purposes. Jean-Louis Pham of Agropolis Fondation describes how community based seed systems are diverse and complex entities: There is a diversity of seed systems because of the diversity of eco-geographical and economic conditions, of the crop reproductive biology, of cultural factors, etc. Between yam seed systems in Benin and the rice seed systems in the Philippines, differences are huge, even though one can reasonably attempt to describe them with a single theoretical framework. It results from this diversity and complexity over space and time that ways to sustain, protect, and strengthen community based seed systems will have to be diverse, tailored and adaptive. In a sense, there is no best way to protect and strengthen community based seed systems-there are ways which are appropriate or not depending on the situation. Bettina Haussmann suggests we move to a more systems-oriented approach to breeding, where the different functions of a crop or cultivar in the production system are considered and improved/optimized. She writes: Such an approach actually includes a paradigm shift from promoting just a few best-bet varieties to promotion of functional diversity via the development of a portfolio of best-fit' varieties (varieties that are specifically adapted to different contexts, functions and needs). To enable this, a paradigm shift is needed from considering farmers just as beneficiaries and passive adopters to considering farmers as real partners who inform and advise the crop improvement process. I would like to conclude the information gained through the publication by referring to the idea that emerges from the compendium, strengthening agricultural biodiversity requires action at the local, regional, national and international levels. The earnestness is clear. Horticultural biodiversity is the key to the eventual fate of food and our planet. The contributors boost upon the significance of supporting group based seed system, and suggest that contributors, governments, analysts, and common society associations adjust their needs to this objective. The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is stressing the significance of farming biodiversity to sustainable food frameworks. Referring the Authors BETTINA HAUSSMANN is the West Africa Liaison Scientist to the McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program, and is based at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany. Haussmanns past work at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) Sahelian Centre in Niamey, Niger, resulted in a regionally coordinated strategy for pearl millet improvement in West Africa. JEAN-LOUIS PHAM is a plant geneticist with Institut de recherche pour le dà ©veloppement (IRD), a French interdisciplinary research organization focused on rural issues in Africa, the Mediterranean, Latin America and Asia. Pham has a wealth of field experience in West Africa and the Philippines and is the author of dozens of peer reviewed research papers. He is

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Spherical Image as the Central Paradox in Valediction: for Weeping

The Spherical Image as the Central Paradox in Valediction: for Weeping    In John Donne's "A Valediction: for Weeping," the speaker consoles his lover before leaving on a sea voyage and begs her not to cry.   Crying, the speaker tells his lover this poem at the docks before he boards his ship going abroad.   Donne uses a spherical image as the central metaphor in his poem. When Donne uses irony, paradox, and hyperbole including the use of round images such as: coins, globes, and tears he strengthens the spherical conceit.   By comparing two "seeming" opposites like tears and love as his conceit, Donne uses the spherical image as the central paradox in "A Valediction: Of Weeping."        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Donne opens the poem with the speaker crying while talking to his lover before his departure abroad.   His first spherical images are in the first stanza,   and they are tears and coins:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Let me pour forth   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My tears before thy face whilst I stay here,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For thy face coins them, and thy stamp they bear,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And by this mintage they are something worth," (1-4)    Both the coins and his tears have "worth," literal and figurative values respectively.   His tears fall from his face because he hurts for leaving, something no amount of coins can pay to alleviate. Like coins being stamped out of a sheet of metal, his tears are pressed from his eyes.  Ã‚   Because water reflects her image and tears are made out of water, the stamp image has a double meaning too.   The tears equal the lover.   The mintage mentioned in line four has an expanded meaning.   A set of pressed coins is a mintage as is the set of the speaker's tears, but the impression on the coin (the lover's face) can also be a mintage.      ... ...he other's death." (26) As they sigh, their sighs create wind which upsets the water.   The rough water, on which the speaker is sailing, could drown him.      Ã‚  Ã‚     Donne's mastery of comparison allows him to create an in-depth metaphor comparing spherical images to two lover's love.   He uses some of the same images as he does in his other poems for example: holy love and tears in "The Canonization," spheres in "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" and "The Sun Rising," and two worlds becoming one in "The Good-Morrow" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning."   Also in the other valediction poem Donne includes the line "No tear floods, nor sigh tempest move." (6) This idea is mentioned in   "A Valediction: Of Weeping" too.    Donne uses the simple round images to symbolize a deeper meaning coupled with metaphor and paradox to create a complex love poem.   

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay example --

Reflection I have been attending Virginia State University for one semester now, and ever since I came here I have learned more than I imagined imaginable. Since I have taken an English class every year in my life since the age of five, I believed I knew exactly what to expect. I was definitely wrong. When I began at Virginia State University, I assumed all my English classes would only consist of reading, discussing and then writing about â€Å"Old English†. Since that was what all my English classes consisted of in high school, I did not believe there would be huge difference at Virginia State University. I quickly discovered that there was much more to it. With only one semester of an English class at Virginia State University almost complete, they successfully showed me way more than the English language; they showed me how to be me. Taking a glance at my previous essays I wrote in high school before I came to Virginia State University, I am now very aware how much my skill to write, reveal my thoughts, ideas, and intelligence has grown stronger in this course. I have learned here at Virginia State University how to write, how to be myself, how to ponder for myself, and how to locate the solutions to the problems I do not have the answers to. I learned how vital the English language is to everyday life. There is never a second that goes by without me contemplating about something, but being enrolled in my first English class at Virginia State University, I am very proud to announce that as a result my critical analysis skills have significantly increased. Instead of concentrating on a proposed purpose, I have figured out how to constantly ask myself "why". I now actually dare myself to investigate an author’s work as acu... ...em up. The first English class I took at Virginia State University had actually assisted me in removing that horrid impulsion and write an essay worth writing with improved ideas that comes with added support. I was taught how to write numerous styles of essays in a lot of various arrangements. My writing has really improved in this writing course. This course has slowly taught and is still teaching me how to not write like I am still in high school. I do not make as many grammar mistakes as I use to. I have become a better proofreader. I learned a process to creating a thesis statement that unlike my other methods actually worked. I also learned a lot about the mechanics of writing. But, there are a few of things that I do believe I crave the fortitude and ability to achieve, and that is what I believe I will acquire continuing at Virginia State University.